Post by Sofia on Dec 30, 2014 23:34:28 GMT 1
Temporary player is Sofia
Character Name: Redstreak
Cub Name: Redstreak
Previous Names: none
Gender: male
Age: 10
Soul Name: Blu
Race: wolf-blooded elf
Origin: Tall Tree Holt
Role: cub
Siblings: Quicksand (sister, free)
Parents: Gale (father, free), Squirrel (mother, free)
Lovemates/Lifemates/Recognized: nope
Children: none
Others: -
Magic: Elf-Sending (weak), Wolf-Bonding, Wolf-Sending (weak)
A quick runner (he is always in a hurry if he isn't thinking)
Climbing (average)
Dancing (poor)
Fighting (poor)
Finding answers to questions by very strange paths...
Singing (average)
Stealth (poor/average)
Survival (poor)
Swimming (poor)
Weapons/Tools: a lot of tools he's made by himself, they don't always work as they're supposed to, which he soon forgets
Other Items: -
Personality: He is very comfortable around everyone. He doesn't often get shy. He shares his feelings and thoughts with everyone willing to listen. He is a thinker. People of then find him looking up at the clear sky while his tools lie around abandoned. Has a great imagination. Often tells stories to other cubs or adults. He believes that dreams can solve problems and reveal secrets of the future or past. Asks a lot of questions to understand. Restless. Has a hunger for life and it's miracles. Has a very creative imagination but forgets everything else when starts thinking (including work or tasks).
Likes: stories(and making his own), thinking and letting his mind wander around, dreams, playing, anything creative and new, painting
Dislikes: nothing really
Fears: if he has a bad dream he might be frightened, but it turns to curiousity.
Appearance: A "skinny" cub, forgets to eat often (too restless, he must do everything right there and now). 2'11"/89cm. Pale skin.
Marks/Scars: -
Hair: darkbrown (with some red highlights), red streak on the right side
Eyes: leaf green
Clothes: blackvest, redbrown pants, black belt, black sandals, dark brown armbands made of leather, thin leather braids as decoration on them
Cold-Rain: A improvised poncho made of an old sleeping-fur is put over his other clothes.
Jewelry: nope
History: Born into a happy childhood, though he's had an older sister who's told him what to do most of his life. He's known no hardships before the attack and is lucky to have had all of his closest family survive (though there have been separations and close calls).
Bond Beast: not yet!
-10.11.22 Birth
0.01.29 Trolls attack Tall Tree Holt. Redstreak flees with his sister Quicksand and mother Squirrel, but is separated from his father Gale and doesn't know if Gale is alive or dead. Redstreak's grandmother Stingsong is killed.
0.01.31 Trolls attack the survivors a second time. Redstreak flees, but is split up from the other survivors and ends up hiding alone in the woods.
0.02.02 Redstreak is found by Haze. They begin searching for the other survivors.
0.02.28 Exhausted, but alive, Redstreak and Haze catch up with the other survivors. Reunited with his sister Quicksand.
0.03.02 Reunited with his mother Squirrel and quickly thereafter his father Gale.
Temporary player is Sofia
Character Name: Redstreak
Cub Name: Redstreak
Previous Names: none
Gender: male
Age: 10
Soul Name: Blu
Race: wolf-blooded elf
Origin: Tall Tree Holt
Role: cub
Siblings: Quicksand (sister, free)
Parents: Gale (father, free), Squirrel (mother, free)
Lovemates/Lifemates/Recognized: nope
Children: none
Others: -
Magic: Elf-Sending (weak), Wolf-Bonding, Wolf-Sending (weak)
A quick runner (he is always in a hurry if he isn't thinking)
Climbing (average)
Dancing (poor)
Fighting (poor)
Finding answers to questions by very strange paths...
Singing (average)
Stealth (poor/average)
Survival (poor)
Swimming (poor)
Weapons/Tools: a lot of tools he's made by himself, they don't always work as they're supposed to, which he soon forgets
Other Items: -
Personality: He is very comfortable around everyone. He doesn't often get shy. He shares his feelings and thoughts with everyone willing to listen. He is a thinker. People of then find him looking up at the clear sky while his tools lie around abandoned. Has a great imagination. Often tells stories to other cubs or adults. He believes that dreams can solve problems and reveal secrets of the future or past. Asks a lot of questions to understand. Restless. Has a hunger for life and it's miracles. Has a very creative imagination but forgets everything else when starts thinking (including work or tasks).
Likes: stories(and making his own), thinking and letting his mind wander around, dreams, playing, anything creative and new, painting
Dislikes: nothing really
Fears: if he has a bad dream he might be frightened, but it turns to curiousity.
Appearance: A "skinny" cub, forgets to eat often (too restless, he must do everything right there and now). 2'11"/89cm. Pale skin.
Marks/Scars: -
Hair: darkbrown (with some red highlights), red streak on the right side
Eyes: leaf green
Clothes: blackvest, redbrown pants, black belt, black sandals, dark brown armbands made of leather, thin leather braids as decoration on them
Cold-Rain: A improvised poncho made of an old sleeping-fur is put over his other clothes.
Jewelry: nope
History: Born into a happy childhood, though he's had an older sister who's told him what to do most of his life. He's known no hardships before the attack and is lucky to have had all of his closest family survive (though there have been separations and close calls).
Bond Beast: not yet!
-10.11.22 Birth
0.01.29 Trolls attack Tall Tree Holt. Redstreak flees with his sister Quicksand and mother Squirrel, but is separated from his father Gale and doesn't know if Gale is alive or dead. Redstreak's grandmother Stingsong is killed.
0.01.31 Trolls attack the survivors a second time. Redstreak flees, but is split up from the other survivors and ends up hiding alone in the woods.
0.02.02 Redstreak is found by Haze. They begin searching for the other survivors.
0.02.28 Exhausted, but alive, Redstreak and Haze catch up with the other survivors. Reunited with his sister Quicksand.
0.03.02 Reunited with his mother Squirrel and quickly thereafter his father Gale.